

Level: 27 Requires: Roundhouse Unlocks: Battlemaster


Requires: Roundhouse
Enters an offensive stance, increasing the damage dealt by 21% and the chance to hit your enemy with attacks for 60 seconds. Every skill level raises the chance to hit by a medium amount. 30 seconds cooldown.

Requires: All-In Level 1
Enters an offensive stance, increasing the damage dealt by 22% and the chance to hit your enemy with attacks for 60 seconds. Every skill level raises the chance to hit by a medium amount. 30 seconds cooldown.

Requires: All-In Level 2
Enters an offensive stance, increasing the damage dealt by 23% and the chance to hit your enemy with attacks for 60 seconds. Every skill level raises the chance to hit by a medium amount. 30 seconds cooldown.

Requires: All-In Level 3
Enters an offensive stance, increasing the damage dealt by 24% and the chance to hit your enemy with attacks for 60 seconds. Every skill level raises the chance to hit by a medium amount. 30 seconds cooldown.

Requires: All-In Level 4
Enters an offensive stance, increasing the damage dealt by 25% and the chance to hit your enemy with attacks for 60 seconds. Every skill level raises the chance to hit by a medium amount. 30 seconds cooldown.