

Level: 27 Requires: Evade debuff Unlocks: Shield Wall


Requires: Evade debuff
Deflects enemy spells with your shield, protects you against the next 2 aggressive spells or debuffs. 50 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Evade spell Level 1
Deflects enemy spells with your shield, protects you against the next 2 aggressive spells or debuffs. 45 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Evade spell Level 2
Deflects enemy spells with your shield, protects you against the next 2 aggressive spells or debuffs. 40 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Evade spell Level 3
Deflects enemy spells with your shield, protects you against the next 2 aggressive spells or debuffs. 35 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Evade spell Level 4
Deflects enemy spells with your shield, protects you against the next 2 aggressive spells or debuffs. 30 seconds cooldown.