Requires: Skirmish Attack
Performs a guaranteed hit and strikes your target and an additional nearby enemy with 73% damage for the next 2 attacks. 25 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meddling Attack Level 1
Performs a guaranteed hit and strikes your target and an additional nearby enemy with 76% damage for the next 2 attacks. 25 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meddling Attack Level 2
Performs a guaranteed hit and strikes your target and an additional nearby enemy with 79% damage for the next 2 attacks. 25 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meddling Attack Level 3
Performs a guaranteed hit and strikes your target and an additional nearby enemy with 82% damage for the next 2 attacks. 25 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meddling Attack Level 4
Performs a guaranteed hit and strikes your target and an additional nearby enemy with 85% damage for the next 2 attacks. 25 seconds cooldown.