Requires: Scream
Shifts yourself to a meditating state, regenerating 40% of your total health and mana over 15 seconds. 90 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meditation Level 1
Shifts yourself to a meditating state, regenerating 45% of your total health and mana over 15 seconds. 90 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meditation Level 2
Shifts yourself to a meditating state, regenerating 50% of your total health and mana over 15 seconds. 90 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meditation Level 3
Shifts yourself to a meditating state, regenerating 55% of your total health and mana over 15 seconds. 90 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Meditation Level 4
Shifts yourself to a meditating state, regenerating 60% of your total health and mana over 15 seconds. 90 seconds cooldown.