

Level: 7 Requires: Hardskin Unlocks: Parry, Sap


Requires: Hardskin
Taunts all enemies in 3 yard range, forcing them to attack you. 50 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Provoke Level 1
Taunts all enemies in 3 yard range, forcing them to attack you. 45 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Provoke Level 2
Taunts all enemies in 3 yard range, forcing them to attack you. 40 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Provoke Level 3
Taunts all enemies in 3 yard range, forcing them to attack you. 35 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Provoke Level 4
Taunts all enemies in 3 yard range, forcing them to attack you. 30 seconds cooldown.