
Striking Spell

Striking Spell
Used in Arena


Level: 7 Requires: Swiftness Unlocks: Blessed Spell, Half Protect


Requires: Swiftness
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt by 5% for the next 2 spells. 24 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Striking Spell Level 1
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt by 7% for the next 2 spells. 24 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Striking Spell Level 2
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt by 9% for the next 2 spells. 24 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Striking Spell Level 3
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt by 12% for the next 2 spells. 24 seconds cooldown.

Requires: Striking Spell Level 4
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt by 15% for the next 2 spells. 24 seconds cooldown.