Posted in TibiaME News event December 16, 2014
Tomorrow Wednesday (17.12.2014) 09:00 CEST there will be a short downtime on all gameworlds for some maintenance work.
After the downtime the first ever hunting tournament will start on each world to find the first world hunting champion.
Come to Colossea and be part of it!
After the downtime the first ever hunting tournament will start on each world to find the first world hunting champion.
Come to Colossea and be part of it!
Posted in TibiaME News event December 15, 2014
While doing some routine checks we discovered some balancing issues with the pets level up experience.
The issues were rebalanced and will go live with the next server save.
It is possible that some of your pets, especially the dragons, the pets of darkness or the Cerberus will rise in level. This is no bug but the result of the rebalancing.
The issues were rebalanced and will go live with the next server save.
It is possible that some of your pets, especially the dragons, the pets of darkness or the Cerberus will rise in level. This is no bug but the result of the rebalancing.
Posted in TibiaME News event December 11, 2014
Erebos Information
With the next server save we will release a little fix for the NPC Jericho. You will then be able to get more information about the worldquest when talking to him. Besides the status of the barriers and the hell crystal delivery you can also ask him how much time is left until you need to have reached your goal.
The time he gives is not exact but an approximation. Only in the last 30 minutes will he tell you exact amount of seconds you have left.
With the next server save we will release a little fix for the NPC Jericho. You will then be able to get more information about the worldquest when talking to him. Besides the status of the barriers and the hell crystal delivery you can also ask him how much time is left until you need to have reached your goal.
The time he gives is not exact but an approximation. Only in the last 30 minutes will he tell you exact amount of seconds you have left.
Posted in TibiaME News event December 10, 2014
From December 22nd until January 11th the Winterfeast will be celebrated in TibiaME. Work together to earn a 10% EP Bonus for every monster killed and uncover the secret contents of the Winterfeast gifts!
Posted in TibiaME News event December 4, 2014
With the next server save we will make some small adjustments to Erebos world quest and the Mutabor boss battle.
Erebos Worldquest
We will increase the duration of the dark blood stain on the rocks and raised the probability for the creation of black blood ore.
In addition we reduced the initial upkeep for the first barrier and lowered the raise of the upkeep.
This should make it easier to keep the barrier open.
Mutabor Timeout
We raised the timeout for Mutabors last battle phase to 20 minutes. This should make it able for players to win the battle without making it to easy and still prevent the blocking of the boss battle.
Explanation NPCs
We decided against placing a anew npc that explains the world quest on Erebos. The players that are interested on keeping Erebos open will spread the word on how the system works. Also a future translation of the npc Jericho should solve the problem.
Erebos Worldquest
We will increase the duration of the dark blood stain on the rocks and raised the probability for the creation of black blood ore.
In addition we reduced the initial upkeep for the first barrier and lowered the raise of the upkeep.
This should make it easier to keep the barrier open.
Mutabor Timeout
We raised the timeout for Mutabors last battle phase to 20 minutes. This should make it able for players to win the battle without making it to easy and still prevent the blocking of the boss battle.
Explanation NPCs
We decided against placing a anew npc that explains the world quest on Erebos. The players that are interested on keeping Erebos open will spread the word on how the system works. Also a future translation of the npc Jericho should solve the problem.
Posted in TibiaME News event December 3, 2014
Due to some maintenance work, all gameworlds will be offline on Thursday (04.12.2014) from 10:00 to 13:00 CEST approximately. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Posted in TibiaME News event December 2, 2014
Ok, the Erebos worldquest seems to be a little more complicated than I anticipated. I will try to explain it again:
With the repolarization of the first barrier the world has 24 hours to either repolarize another barrier or bring a certain amount of hell crystals.
The repolarization of another barrier resets the time and the 24 hours start anew. This can of course only work until all barriers are open.
If the 24 hours run out without the opening of another barrier, then it is checked if enough hell crystals were delivered to sustain the open barriers. The number of hell crystals depends on the number of open barriers and the time they were kept open continuously.
With the opening of the first barrier a base upkeep of 50 hell crystals is needed. This upkeep is raised by 20 for every additional barrier opened. Every 24 hour period the barriers are kept open without a new one repolarized, the upkeep is raised by 30 hell crystals. Every time an upkeep is failed, e.g. not enough hell crystals were collected after 24 hours, the topmost barrier will be closed, the upkeep will be reduced by 10 and the 24 hours start anew.
So if you opened all 5 barriers without the 24 hour timer running out, eg. a pause for an upkeep, then you have to collect 130 hell crystals in the 24 hours.
24 hours after the last barrier was opened the number of crystals collected is checked. If the 130 were reached gates stay open and the upkeep is raised by 30 to 160. This means the world has to collect 160 hell crystals until the next check in 24 hours.
Let's say that a world managed to keep the barriers open 5 times in a row then 280 would be needed for the next 24 hours check. Then let us assume they would fail with gathering the required 280 for the next check. This would mean that the topmost barrier would be closed and the upkeep would be reduced to 270.
Should the recently closed barrier be opened again within the next 24 hours the upkeep would rise to 290.
So the upkeep continues to rise until all barriers are closed again. Then it is reset to zero and the whole circle begins anew.
I hope this explanation answers all the questions!
With the repolarization of the first barrier the world has 24 hours to either repolarize another barrier or bring a certain amount of hell crystals.
The repolarization of another barrier resets the time and the 24 hours start anew. This can of course only work until all barriers are open.
If the 24 hours run out without the opening of another barrier, then it is checked if enough hell crystals were delivered to sustain the open barriers. The number of hell crystals depends on the number of open barriers and the time they were kept open continuously.
With the opening of the first barrier a base upkeep of 50 hell crystals is needed. This upkeep is raised by 20 for every additional barrier opened. Every 24 hour period the barriers are kept open without a new one repolarized, the upkeep is raised by 30 hell crystals. Every time an upkeep is failed, e.g. not enough hell crystals were collected after 24 hours, the topmost barrier will be closed, the upkeep will be reduced by 10 and the 24 hours start anew.
So if you opened all 5 barriers without the 24 hour timer running out, eg. a pause for an upkeep, then you have to collect 130 hell crystals in the 24 hours.
24 hours after the last barrier was opened the number of crystals collected is checked. If the 130 were reached gates stay open and the upkeep is raised by 30 to 160. This means the world has to collect 160 hell crystals until the next check in 24 hours.
Let's say that a world managed to keep the barriers open 5 times in a row then 280 would be needed for the next 24 hours check. Then let us assume they would fail with gathering the required 280 for the next check. This would mean that the topmost barrier would be closed and the upkeep would be reduced to 270.
Should the recently closed barrier be opened again within the next 24 hours the upkeep would rise to 290.
So the upkeep continues to rise until all barriers are closed again. Then it is reset to zero and the whole circle begins anew.
I hope this explanation answers all the questions!
Posted in TibiaME News event November 25, 2014
The Autumn Update 2014 has been published. Please post your feedback and bug reports in this thread.
Posted in TibiaME News event November 20, 2014
Screenshots are posted here ... 044&type=3
Final Teaser: Autumn Update 2014
Biestig Bossfight (Erebos)
Mutabor Bossfight (Ephialtis)
Colossea's Arena Test
Colossea's Hunting Tournamnent
Cerberus Pet
Because why not? (Aurea City)
Posted in TibiaME News event November 19, 2014
We want to inform you that the open beta test for the autumn update 2014 will start with tonight's server save.
Everyone is welcome to access the test server and experience a preview to the new material that will go live soon.
To access the server please follow this link:
There you find the beta web client and the other beta clients for download.
Please note that there will be no Iphone or Ipad client because of apples release policies.
After starting the client create a character on either world 4 or 5 and enjoy exploring the new update.
Should you have any certificate problems with the webclient then just open your java configuration programme and set the security to medium for the time you are on the test server.
And what will wait for you in the beta test?
Here you go:
Closed Beta: Autumn Update 2014
I hope this will get you in mood for a time of exploring and testing.
Should you stumble on any problems or just want to give us your feedback then please use the official autumnupdate feedback thread in the feedback forum.
Everyone is welcome to access the test server and experience a preview to the new material that will go live soon.
To access the server please follow this link:
There you find the beta web client and the other beta clients for download.
Please note that there will be no Iphone or Ipad client because of apples release policies.
After starting the client create a character on either world 4 or 5 and enjoy exploring the new update.
Should you have any certificate problems with the webclient then just open your java configuration programme and set the security to medium for the time you are on the test server.
And what will wait for you in the beta test?
Here you go:
Closed Beta: Autumn Update 2014
I hope this will get you in mood for a time of exploring and testing.
Should you stumble on any problems or just want to give us your feedback then please use the official autumnupdate feedback thread in the feedback forum.