Level: 62
Requires: Reverse Damage, Health Leech
Requires: Reverse Damage; Health Leech
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt with your attacks by 74%. Causes your healing spells to heal yourself and an additional nearby ally with 82% of the original heal amount. Lasts 10 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Divine Power Level 1
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt with your attacks by 79%. Causes your healing spells to heal yourself and an additional nearby ally with 83% of the original heal amount. Lasts 10 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Divine Power Level 2
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt with your attacks by 83%. Causes your healing spells to heal yourself and an additional nearby ally with 85% of the original heal amount. Lasts 10 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Divine Power Level 3
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt with your attacks by 88%. Causes your healing spells to heal yourself and an additional nearby ally with 86% of the original heal amount. Lasts 10 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Divine Power Level 4
Performs a guaranteed hit and increases the damage dealt with your attacks by 92%. Causes your healing spells to heal yourself and an additional nearby ally with 88% of the original heal amount. Lasts 10 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.