Requires: Mana Leech
Enchants your weapon with a vampiric aura, performing a guaranteed hit and draining 31% of your damage dealt as heal for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Health Leech Level 1
Enchants your weapon with a vampiric aura, performing a guaranteed hit and draining 32% of your damage dealt as heal for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Health Leech Level 2
Enchants your weapon with a vampiric aura, performing a guaranteed hit and draining 33% of your damage dealt as heal for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Health Leech Level 3
Enchants your weapon with a vampiric aura, performing a guaranteed hit and draining 34% of your damage dealt as heal for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Health Leech Level 4
Enchants your weapon with a vampiric aura, performing a guaranteed hit and draining 35% of your damage dealt as heal for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.