Requires: Rage; Mana Charge
Releases a bladestorm on your target, increasing damage dealt by 3% and performing an additional strike on your target for the next 3 attacks. 24 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Attack Level 1
Releases a bladestorm on your target, increasing damage dealt by 5% and performing an additional strike on your target for the next 3 attacks. 24 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Attack Level 2
Releases a bladestorm on your target, increasing damage dealt by 8% and performing an additional strike on your target for the next 3 attacks. 24 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Attack Level 3
Releases a bladestorm on your target, increasing damage dealt by 10% and performing an additional strike on your target for the next 3 attacks. 24 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Attack Level 4
Releases a bladestorm on your target, increasing damage dealt by 13% and performing an additional strike on your target for the next 3 attacks. 24 seconds cooldown.