Requires: Double Attack
Smashes the enemy with a powerful attack, performing a guaranteed hit and increasing damage dealt by 84% for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Damage Level 1
Smashes the enemy with a powerful attack, performing a guaranteed hit and increasing damage dealt by 88% for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Damage Level 2
Smashes the enemy with a powerful attack, performing a guaranteed hit and increasing damage dealt by 92% for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Damage Level 3
Smashes the enemy with a powerful attack, performing a guaranteed hit and increasing damage dealt by 96% for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.
Requires: Double Damage Level 4
Smashes the enemy with a powerful attack, performing a guaranteed hit and increasing damage dealt by 100% for the next 3 attacks. 30 seconds cooldown.